The Forks Over Knives Plan: How to Transition to the Life-Saving, Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet by
Alona Pulde
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
This book is a companion to the documentary Forks Over Knives which discusses a plant-based diet and its effects on a person's health. The authors posit that a diet rich in whole grains and whole plant based foods can reverse what ails you, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Studies are cited that back the claims and first person testimonials are also included. The bulk of the book lays out a four week plan to transition to this new way of life with 100 recipes to get you started.
I have to be honest and say that I have not yet watched the documentary. I've done enough research on my own to know that a diet in whole foods is a much healthier option to a high processed lifestyle. It should come as no surprise to anyone, these days, that processed foods have tons of chemicals that just are not healthy for anyone. I don't necessarily agree with the authors that a completely plant-based diet is the right diet for everyone. There are people who cannot handle soy based products or who need added animal protein. I've done a bit of homework to read the "other side" to find that some of the claims and studies cited are not the whole story. It is always best to do your own homework and consult your own physician before starting any diet. I was also not charmed with the way the authors start out saying "this is not a diet but a lifestyle", yet continuously refer to this way of life as a diet. The authors also say that all oil, including olive oil, avocado oil, etc. are bad for you; however, use maple syrup when you need a sweetener, and oh, if you need some sugar for your sweets, that's alright from time to time. It just seems like they are very strict on a couple of points, but lax on others.
This book has not convinced me to move to a vegan diet. I honestly have tried some recipes that turned out to taste like dirty socks. There are some that work very well, though. The book did reinforce / remind me how it is best to keep moving away from processed foods and cook healthy whole foods at home whenever possible.
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