My rating: 5 of 5 stars
One Man Against the World should perhaps be subtitled The Tragedy of America. The affects of Nixon's actions throughout his political career, left an indelible mark on the nation. Tim Weiner pulls information from newly released audio tapes and written documents to present the true character of Nixon during his administration from Vietnam to Watergate to his impeachment. Most people have an idea of who Nixon was, but Weiner shows the reader that there is much more than the public ever knew. All of the deceit and concealment is clearly laid out in shocking detail. The reader will also learn just how many people surrounded Nixon and helped to cover up his shenanigans and participate willing in his plans.
I think this is a must read for anyone remotely interested in politics and current events. It is chilling to know how easily a person in charge of a nation can abuse their authority the way Nixon did. Vietnam could have likely ended at the end of Johnson's term if not for Nixon. Nixon betrayed the nation and the affects are still felt today.
I received this book gratis through the History Book Club on Goodreads
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